Hello everyone! This Wednesday, June 1st, Radio Internova's radio show 'Eddie Asheton Gira o Mundo' (Eddie Asheton Spins the World) will play DKANDLE's single 'Flame'! The show starts at 8pm EST (GMT -3) and always features bands and artists from around the world.
In this edition, besides DKANDLE (Brazil/Italy), you will also listen to Faz Waltz (Italy), Atomic Suplex (England), Knockout Pills (USA), Knife For An Eye (Sweden), Peter Pan Speedrock (Netherlands), Jerry Spider Gang (France), The Gimmies (Japan), Pack (Germany), Cosmic Psychos (Australia), Marien Hassan (Western Sahara) and Mdoud Moctar (Niger).
If you can't listen to it on Wednesday, the show is repeated on Sunday at 7pm (GMT -3), and then archived on the show's Mixcloud.
To listen to the show on the radio, go to www.internovaradio.com.br