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Immagine del redattoreDKANDLE


The first review of Mondano is out!

Juan Bascur from Santiago, Chile writes about music and other topics on the blog ni))) naturaleza insaciable, and has written about my debut album Mondano.

The review is in Spanish, so I will translate some parts below into English. (If you want to see the original blog review, CLICK HERE.)

¡Muchas gracias por la reseña Juan Bascur!


DKANDLE - Mondano (self-released, 2022) Juan Bascur, ni)) naturaleza insaciable

"There is no end to the crop of bands or projects that take the imprint of that atmospheric rock with guitars that took the often aggressive noise towards reverie, with a creative peak between the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s.

This time let's examine the case of DKANDLE, an initiative of Denis Kandle.

Kandle has previous experience in bands like Pregnant Felix or N.O.P.E, so he comes with a clear idea. MONDANO is the debut album of DKANDLE, a shoegazer exercise, whose lyrics deal with the separation of the spiritual and earthly pleasures, something that conservative societies, and even more so if they are of strict religions, have presented as the norm.

Previously, the singles 'Flame' and 'Stampa Clandestina' were released. The first, the longest track on the album, leans towards ambient gracefulness, like Flying Saucer Attack with less harshness. The other is a manifesto against the established dogmas, with mentions to Leonardo da Vinci or Alan Turing; it sounds like 'Only shallow' (My Bloody Valentine) passing through the garagy sieve of The Ganjas. In the rest of the album, the mantric vibe of '1+1=1' (resembles M83), or the Ian Crause vibe of 'Keep Smiling', as well as "Fluids Exchange" and 'Escapist comfort' stand out.

The eternal lovers of celestial noise will be grateful for the arrival of DKANDLE and his Dionysian sonic discharge blended with Apollonian harmony, as Denis puts it on Bandcamp."

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